As part of the 50th birthday celebration of Aldeias de Crianças SOS - Portugal, Catarina Guedes and Tiago Ribeiro organized an Art Exhibition: Catarina was studying Equipment Design and Tiago Communication Design, both studying at FBAUL - Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade de Lisboa. Since it was all voluntary work, in order to accomplish such an ambitious project they invited some fellow students as well as teachers to participate.
The main goal was to create art pieces that praised all the work developed by Aldeias de Crianças SOS - Portugal and the impact they make on these children's lives, providing education, a healthy and familiar environment and everything they need to grow with all the tools to develop themselves and have a real opportunity to find their place in society.

Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.
- Robert Louis Stevenson
“I remember there was no light or color surrounding me, I was encased in a jar of glass, had been left there. Trying helplessly to make myself heard, but I was getting no answer in return. One day someone opened the jar and I felt some kind of tickle, it was a paint brush. This was the chance to make myself heard, and suddenly something amazing happened. I was taken out of that black jar and for the first time I believed I could start something all over again.
I got thrown into a white canvas - What now? - I thought. All of a sudden I saw a drop being splashed into the canvas, and I ran to catch it. It wasn’t black as me, it was green, i had never seen a drop the same as me, with its own different color. Told me someone had made her just like that by adding hope. Jointly we found another drip, and this one was yellow. None of us knew a yellow drip. It was yellow because it had been created with joy. Without realizing we made up a triangle, through our union we became a family. We were happy as can be cuz’ we had encountered the foundation to our union, LOVE. Thanks to that LOVE made, we kept joining other drops and created evermore color and shapes, discovering a plentiful of emotions and feeling. At the It came the time when the canvas seemed finished, the time had arrived for us to stop and rejoice our creation, a dendrogram. The hope was that we could give back all the love we had created.”
“Lembro-me que não havia luz nem cor à minha volta, estava presa num frasco de vidro, tinha sido abandonada ali. Tentava inutilmente fazer-me ouvir, mas nunca obtinha uma resposta. Um dia alguém abriu o frasco e eu senti cócegas, era um pincel. Esta era a oportunidade para me fazer ouvir, subitamente algo incrível aconteceu. Fui retirada daquele frasco negro e pela primeira vez acreditei que poderia começar algo novo. Atiraram-me para uma tela branca. — E agora ? — pensei eu. De repente vi outra gota a ser atirada para a tela, corri para a alcançar. Não era preta como eu, era verde, nunca tinha visto uma gota igual a mim, com uma cor diferente. Ela contou-me que alguém a tinha feito assim porque lhe adicionou esperança. Juntas encontramos outra gota, esta era amarela. Nenhuma de nós conhecia uma gota amarela. Era amarela porque tinha sido criada com alegria. Sem nos apercebermos formamos um triângulo, através da nossa união já éramos uma família. Estávamos felizes, tínhamos encontrado a base da união, o amor. Com esse amor continuamos a juntar-nos a mais gotas, e criámos cada vez mais cores e mais formas e descobrimos mais emoções e sentimentos. No fim, chegou uma altura em que a tela parecia acabada, tinha chegado a altura de parar e orgulharmo-nos da nossa criação, um dendrograma. Restava-nos a esperança de devolver todo o amor que aqui criámos.”
Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.
- Robert Louis Stevenson
“I remember there was no light or color surrounding me, I was encased in a jar of glass, had been left there. Trying helplessly to make myself heard, but I was getting no answer in return. One day someone opened the jar and I felt some kind of tickle, it was a paint brush. This was the chance to make myself heard, and suddenly something amazing happened. I was taken out of that black jar and for the first time I believed I could start something all over again.
I got thrown into a white canvas - What now? - I thought. All of a sudden I saw a drop being splashed into the canvas, and I ran to catch it. It wasn’t black as me, it was green, i had never seen a drop the same as me, with its own different color. Told me someone had made her just like that by adding hope. Jointly we found another drip, and this one was yellow. None of us knew a yellow drip. It was yellow because it had been created with joy. Without realizing we made up a triangle, through our union we became a family. We were happy as can be cuz’ we had encountered the foundation to our union, LOVE. Thanks to that LOVE made, we kept joining other drops and created evermore color and shapes, discovering a plentiful of emotions and feeling. At the It came the time when the canvas seemed finished, the time had arrived for us to stop and rejoice our creation, a dendrogram. The hope was that we could give back all the love we had created.”
“Lembro-me que não havia luz nem cor à minha volta, estava presa num frasco de vidro, tinha sido abandonada ali. Tentava inutilmente fazer-me ouvir, mas nunca obtinha uma resposta. Um dia alguém abriu o frasco e eu senti cócegas, era um pincel. Esta era a oportunidade para me fazer ouvir, subitamente algo incrível aconteceu. Fui retirada daquele frasco negro e pela primeira vez acreditei que poderia começar algo novo. Atiraram-me para uma tela branca. — E agora ? — pensei eu. De repente vi outra gota a ser atirada para a tela, corri para a alcançar. Não era preta como eu, era verde, nunca tinha visto uma gota igual a mim, com uma cor diferente. Ela contou-me que alguém a tinha feito assim porque lhe adicionou esperança. Juntas encontramos outra gota, esta era amarela. Nenhuma de nós conhecia uma gota amarela. Era amarela porque tinha sido criada com alegria. Sem nos apercebermos formamos um triângulo, através da nossa união já éramos uma família. Estávamos felizes, tínhamos encontrado a base da união, o amor. Com esse amor continuamos a juntar-nos a mais gotas, e criámos cada vez mais cores e mais formas e descobrimos mais emoções e sentimentos. No fim, chegou uma altura em que a tela parecia acabada, tinha chegado a altura de parar e orgulharmo-nos da nossa criação, um dendrograma. Restava-nos a esperança de devolver todo o amor que aqui criámos.”