This is a work I've done in University, in 2012-13. I was ask to choose a vanguardist designer and make a publication of his life and work, I've choose to link some aspects and influences of his work. The original publication, made with my two hands was an harmonium A4, divided in two parts (front and back) as you can see in the design, the page is always linked or a continuation of the page before.
Hope you enjoy it!

"[Paul Rand is] … an idealist and a realist, using the language of the poet and businessman. He thinks in terms of need and function. He is able to analyze his problems but his fantasy is boundless."
“[Paul Rand é] um ‘idealista realista’, que usa as linguagens de um homem de negócios e de um poeta. Pensa em termos do necessário e da função. É capaz de analisar os seus problemas, mas sua imaginação não conhece limites.”
- László Moholy-Nagy, tipógrafo, fotógrafo e designer pioneiro do movimento vanguardista dos anos 1920 e docente na Bauhaus em Weimar